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At Rossini's Freestores you will always find a range of high quality items and everything is always free. Each store has its own unique range, and each range is continually changing - so visit them all, return regularly and grab anything that catches your eye.
Cherry Park
Come explore the world of ethnic fashion at International House of Style. Featuring clothing from India, the Middle East, Asia, North America, and Africa, with new cultures added regularly, we cater to residents around the globe. Come play with fashion and express your own ethnic style!
Weekly Store Gifts
Friday, December 11, 2009
At first, I included some of the business in a box freebies, since I didn't know any better, but quickly learned the difference between quality store freebies and business in a box freebies. My freebie collection journey continued alone until I was joined by Lorri (now showing as Sarah) more than a year later. We were joined by Claire, then Savvy. Claire returned to school and Havi joined us for several months, and there have been a few others along the way, but Savvy carried the bulk of the blog for most of this year, while I got busy with my inworld modeling career and agency management.
Hunting freebies on the grid these days can be a full-time job, and there are many other blogs doing a far better job of it than Virtual Freebies has been lately, as Savvy and I both became increasingly busy, and it's been difficult to find people to join us and carry on what was started 2-1/2 years ago.
Virtual Freebies has 43 loyal followers on blogspot, some on BlogCatalog, and even more on Bloglines. We've had 168,264 page views as of today, and there are 609 posts on this blog. It's been a fabulous run, and I've met some incredible people, designers and hunters alike, for which I'll be forever grateful.
But, with a great deal of sadness, I must announce that we've come to the end of the road. I'm allowing the virtualfreebiesblog.com domain lapse in January. I'm going to leave Virtual Freebies open at its blogspot address (http://virtual-freebies.blogspot.com) for historical purposes, and for whatever use people can get from it. Our sister blog, Virtual Fashionista, will remain open, although my posting to it will be sporadic, I'm sure.
Savvy and I want to thank all of you who have followed us. It's meant a lot, and your faithfulness kept us going at times when we just were't sure we could continue. Big hugs to all of you.
I could ramble more, but I'll close with - see you on the grid! Happy lives to all of you :)
Honey & Savvy
Thursday, November 26, 2009
MUA by Djinn & Tonic
MUA by Djinn & Tonic is being released TODAY at .44 Caliber's mainstore.
As part of the release, there is a free skin in the store as well as ways to win more free stuff!
Feeling Lucky?
There are 11 different prizes to be won, including some fat packs.
- 5 winners will be chosen from the in-world Djinn & Tonic group. Search "Djinn & Tonic" if you have a group slot left. (There is a one-time membership fee of 250L).
- 5 winners will be chosen from the subscribo group. Click the kiosk here.
- 1 skin set will be given to one of Glance Magazine's members as well! (To qualify you have to not only be in Glance's group but you also have to be in the Djinn & Tonic group in world.)
The skins are absolutely gorgeous. Makeup colors include, Apple, Pomegranate, Deadly Nightshade, Hazel, Pumpkin, Fern, Broom, Sage, Mandrake & Mint. All these "ingredients" are used in Wiccan rituals, giving the skins a dark, mysterious feel.
Skins come in 3 tones, pale, natural & sun-kissed. The highlights and shading on the skin are very natural, and not over done. Bravo!
Skin packs generously include 20 skins! Each skin is sold by brow/shadow color and comes with (5) amazing lipstick shades, a freckle, and no pubic hair variation for a mere 1500L giving you value for your hard earned money.
My personality allows me to wear the more, dare I say, outrageous make up, so for me, the heavy shadow & the prominent lips are win! Let me know what you think!
Shown above I am wearing the Brunette Brown option. From left to right, shadow colors are as follows: Apple [Sun-kissed], Broom [Sun-kissed] & the gift skin [Natural].
There are 1500 skins with this release when you consider all the options available. This has been quite an undertaking!
Congratulations & kudos to Babyhoney Bailey her first skin release. I am officially hooked!
Be sure to stop by the store and try on these demos! They are wonderful, and I am confident that you will love how they "fit" on you too!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

*Linc* has some great freebies set out for everyone. The boxers come in black or white and the cute dollar for your mouth is free! Love the finger tape, they come with or without nails for only 1L.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Winterstock Fun!

If you're not already a member, the group is currently closed until the anniversary celebration is over.
The hunt on the new Cupcake Sim ends tomorrow, so be sure to check that out, there are clothes & skins to be found. Some of the vendors participated in the hunt as well, so look everywhere!
I explored the Winterstock Sim today. What a great build. The imagination, and talent in SL never ceases to amaze me.
Here's what I found: Sn@tch has 5 fabulous freebies under the Christmas Tree.
Rebel Hope also has awesomeness!

Here is one of the gifts from Sn@tch, along with the Rudolph gifts from Rebel Hope.
Stellar has a gift as well. Also included in the pack are a pair of plaid pants if the short skirt isn't your style.

BlackLace gives this gorgeous, lingerie set, complete with bra, panties, corset & gloves.

Musashi-Do has a fabulous dress, perfect for any occasion.

SySy's has 2 delightful dresses. The first is called Autumn Roses, in Blue which is embellished with gorgeous prim roses.

Kess Creations spoils us with holiday jewelry. This Festivus set is just part of the generous gift.

Dawny has gifts to decorate your home for the holidays.
Spork is offering this fun, striped socks, with the over the knee look, or sloppy, as shown below.

StinkEye has some holiday silliness. Check out this candy cane.

There is also one you can hold in your hand, if this doesn't do anything for you.
Dreams has an adorable belted collar, adorned with a cloud charm.

Vengeance has a 1L Media Centre for you to decorate, your SLhome.
Cynful has the November outfit for you.

We'll be back soon with more!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Skins Galore!

The Dominion Fashion District has Vintage Bow Boots

The Dominion Festish also has freebie goodess.

Tuli group members received a fabulous gift today! Meet Bella. The newest in Tuli's beautiful array of skins.

The Vanity Universe Skin Fair has lots of freebies. Check out the collage for the wonderful skin gifts provided by these generous designers!

I have included links to the stores that offered gifts, however there is likely a main TP point, so you'll need to look for the beacon to find the store you're looking for.
- A Piece of Candy - Gina skin, 1L
- Body By Eve - Gifts for Ladies & Men each gift pack includes a 300L gift certificate.
- GeEs Design - has a skin gift shown above
- [ Ayumi ] free gift has a skin gift as well.
- NB_LOOK - gift of a shape & eyes.
- ..::MAI::.. has several gifts, including a tank & panties.
- Pulse Skin has gifts too.
- Imagen - guys & Girls dollarbie skins.
- Rosy Mood has this cool gift for us.

- Shapes by Kira has freebies as well
- Symphony Skins has awesome eyelashes, lipgloss & a manicure.
- !XTC! Designs - free nails & eyes
- Apparence - subscribo gift & freebie at the skin fair
- Chic Inc - ten dollarbie
- Dulce Secrets dollarbie skins, as shown above.
Take the time to have a look around, and be sure to show your appreciation to the Designers who take the time to offer freebies for our enjoyment! It only takes a minute to send a note of thanks, and a few short words of praise really do go a long way.
Have a great weekend.
We'll be back with more soon!
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Ova Hauled is offering Limited Edition pieces for your Halloween.

Cilian'gel has some Halloween goodness with the Got Spiders? Collection. This adorable set, is a group gift! Wear your tag, and pick it up from the store.

The MM board also hosts a Got Spiders gift. This pretty, lacy, webby goodness!

You can purchase the entire 5 pc set of Got Spiders? for just 200L. Imagine the possibilities!

Trick or Treat

I am about to start the trick or treating at Caribbean City, and thought you'd like to join me. I'll post my findings later.
Hope to see you there!