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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Results of a poll

I ran a poll last week, asking "When you go to a store to pick up the freebie, do you buy items as well?"

I was a little worried about asking this, since the current belief is that freebie hunters don't spend money, but I really wanted to know. Imagine my relief to discover that a resounding 90% of you do actually buy while you're freebie hunting! And I'm sure that the 10% of you who do not probably have issues getting money into SL, or some other justifiable reason why you don't. No judgments here.

Something I mentioned a few days ago is the Designers Showcase Network. If you haven't signed up yet...WHY NOT?

What DSN is - is a way for content creators to get samples of their products directly in front of your face. They're delivered overnight - it's like Christmas morning every day, when I sign on and get all these goodies delivered straight to my inventory! The network has been growing by leaps and bounds and currently has 70 different creators on board...in just the 10 days the system has been active. Run over to the Mall at Cherry Park and sign up today!


Skinkie said...

A little note about your poll. The article that suggests that freebie hunters don't spend money also suggests that "freebie hunters" don't read blogs, and people who read blogs are "invested" in the community so DO spend money (as your results seem to confirm). The people who you are worried about, picking up freebies and not spending money, won't have read your blog so won't have done the poll.

Ralektra said...

I would say the real average, at least for me, is more like 10%, which suits me fine :) If 10 people shop for every 100 that come in, you won't see me crying :) Especially since I can count on at least 2 of those 10 to buy several things.

Anonymous said...

I was one of the people who doesn't buy when I go for freebies. My usual pattern, which you didn't have a choice for, was getting a bunch of freebies, going through them, then returning to the original store when I have money to spend if I like the freebie. The majority of my inventory is freebies, though, because I just don't make enough to support an expensive wardrobe, even SL style.

Honey said...

Thank you, for spelling that out a little better. :)


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